Employer Resources

Toolkits and e-guides (South London Partnership)

Employment Gap: A guide for employers and people with a learning disability

Co-produced, easy read guide for employers and people with a learning disability.

Next Steps in London

A guide to support choosing your best next steps into the world of work,brought to you by the four London Careers Hubs. This
guide provides information on the pathways and routes available as you move through education and training into employment.

London PAL Guide Digital version

Mayor of London Inclusive Employer Toolkit 

The Mayor’s Workforce Integration Network (WIN) toolkits contain practical guidance and links to resources and are tailored to various organisation sizes. Actions span across five themes, including commitment, recruitment practices, retention, inclusive culture and supplier diversity.  

Employers Inclusion Toolkit

Interested in welcoming a more diverse workforce to your business? This toolkit explores supporting those with disability and long term health conditions at work

Recruitment guides www.gov.uk/employing-staff and www.gov.uk/topic/business-tax/paye 
Recruiting social care staff (adultsocialcare.co.uk) 
Employment Schemes for Employers (such as apprenticeships) https://find-employer-schemes.education.gov.uk/
Merton Council Training Apprenticeship Fund
Mentor – MentorDigital | Tools, resources and guidance all in one place (natwestmentor.co.uk)
Free HR Templates for employers: www.acas.org.uk/templates-for-employers
CIPD Diagnostic Tool to support employers
Non-UK employees www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-work
CIPD Cost of Living advice / support for employers CIPD Cost of LIving employer support
Help to support workers with long-term health conditions or disability www.hse.gov.uk/disability/best-practice/talking-toolkit.htm
Access to Work Mental Health Support Service resources for Employers
Toolkit: www.hse.gov.uk/stress/talking-toolkit.htm
Support with employee health and disability
Bullying in the workplace – BeyondAutism
Employability toolkit – BeyondAutism
ACRE Autism Employment Toolkit – for the Employment Profiling Assessment services for Adults on the Autism Spectrum. 
Employing disabled people and people with health conditions – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The Business in the Community and Public Health England – Mental Health toolkit. 
The Department of Work and Pensions autism and neurodiversity toolkit 
Do-IT Solutions Neurodiversity Workplace Toolkit 
How to implement the Thriving at Work Mental Health Core Standards in your workplace). 
Crohn’s & Colitis UK’s Are You IN? toolkit 
Work Routes (an expansion of the Work and Health programme)
The little book of menstruation, menstrual health and menopause (a guide for employers)
Access the HSEs Working Minds campaign here
Mental health at work: reasonable adjustments | Acas 
Guide: Tips for supporting people with disabilities at work
Home | British Association for Supported Employment (base-uk.org)
Home – Status Employment
Richmond Business Hub – Richmond Business Hub
Resource Library – Disability:IN (disabilityin.org)
Healthy Workplaces – Richmond
Career & Salary Progression: 20+ Tips for Growth | S1jobs
Read Employer Engagement and the SEND Reforms Guide (PDF) 
Young People with SEND and Supported Internships Internships-Work-Resource-Pack-for-Local-Authorities
British Association for Supported Employment employer resources
An Employers Guide to Supported Employment (external link) 
Employer Champions for Supported Internships here 
Support for Mature Individuals Age Without Limits 
Good Recruitment for Older Workers – An Employer Toolkit
Take a Midlife MOT – Job Help
Childcare Support Supporting people with childcare | Reed in Partnership

Organisations that support employers

Organisation Summary
Better Working Futures Find fully funded recruitment and training service
Care Trade Helping organisations support diversity, and become more confident with autism and neurodiversity
Corndel Training provider for employers
JobCentre Plus Recruitment advice for employers, work trials and advice on recruiting people with a disability
Noo Thinking Noo Thinking is a consultancy, focused on effective communication, based in South London.
People Plus Helping create social value with free recruitment services
Super highways Advice, training and IT support for small charities and community organisations
SWL Social Care Academy hub  Careers advice and guidance for those seeking work in Adult Social Care
Work Match Free tailored recruitment service to find local candidates
WorkFit Provides info, support and training to employers hiring someone with Downs Syndrome