The Work and Health Programme us a £14 million South London Partnership programme – known as Better Working Futures – and is being delivered by Reed in Partnership (see press release).
Starting in March 2018 and running until 2023, it will support people who have been out of work for over 2 years, have health problems or disabilities or face other kinds of barriers to employment. Since the programme launched, as of December 2020 we have supported 3111 people through on to the programme, helping 803 of them to find a job.
Participants receive one to one advice and support from a case worker, and guidance towards training and other services that can assist them to address the often-complex barriers they face to getting into and retaining work. The programme can also provide a range of vocational and soft skills training, helping people get the skills they need to find a job. The team also provide a free recruitment services for employers, with a dedicated work coach who will help the employer to support their new employee.
To find out more about the programme, visit the dedicated website: www.bwfsouthlondon.co.uk .
Through devolution we are able to:
- increase the total value of the programme in our area, by match-funding the DWP contribution with £6.69 million ESF funding;
- secure integration of the Work and Health Programme with other services and offers locally; and
- build in incentives to supporting people into sustainable employment at London Living Wage rates.
- provide a support service that is responsive to the needs of our residents and businesses
London Borough of Croydon is the accountable body for the SLP Work and Health Programme. Any queries about the programme oversight should be addressed to the Contract Manager, Anu Leinonen
e: Anu.Leinonen@croydon.gov.uk