SWL Social Care Academy Hub
About us
The South West London Social Care Academy Hub is part of the Mayor’s Academy Programme covering the six London Boroughs of Croydon, Kingston upon Thames, Merton, Richmond upon Thames, Sutton and Wandsworth supporting local residents, especially those from underrepresented groups (BAME, Men, Young people (16-24), Older people (50+), Lone parents, People with caring responsibilities, Deaf and disabled) into good jobs in the social care sector by coordinating and facilitating key partners to work together to provide accessible and coordinated information and support. The Hub will function as a SWL ‘go to’ resource for information and support about jobs, training and careers in social care.
Meet the team
SWL Social Care Workforce Development Lead – Sheryl Brand
Sheryl is responsible for leading the delivery of a programme of work across the six SWL boroughs to support boroughs and partners in aligning local, regional and national initiatives and policies on social care workforce development to maximise the impact for residents, workers and employers. Sheryl leads the Social Care Academy Hub as part the delivery of the SWL Social Care Workforce Strategy.
SWL Social Care Academy Hub Co-ordinator – Sarah McCann
Sarah is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and delivery of the Social Care Academy Hub. Engaging with a wide range of partners from across the six boroughs, social care sector, employment programmes, education, skills and training providers, SWL NHS and London ADASS to work together to promote and ensure access to good jobs, training and career opportunities in the social care sector.
Communications and Engagement Lead – Wendy Lewis
Wendy is responsible for the Social Care Academy Hub day to day engagement and communications, including campaigns and managing a programme of events and activities to promote the social care sector to new and existing audiences.
To contact any of the team, please email SWLSocialCareAcademyHub@southlondonpartnership.co.uk
Our objectives:
- Promoting and raising awareness of jobs and careers in social care so more people take up relevant skills training and employment in social care, especially those from under-represented groups and diverse backgrounds
- Providing a comprehensive and coordinated source of information and support for those looking to work in and develop their skills in social care
- Embedding clear pathways between employers, employment support partners and education and training providers to support people into work in social care
- Enabling access to relevant training and education for those who want to work in the social care sector
- Promoting and enable opportunities for career development and progression
- Helping ensure the availability of the skills required to deliver new models of care
- Developing an integrated approach to health and social care workforce development by working with the South West London Health Hub
Our activities
Raising the Profile by
- Launching an awareness raising campaign
- Participating in Careers Events
- Developing a Website
- Engaging with and recruiting Social Care Ambassadors
- Working with jobs brokerage, DWP, JCP
- Working with the South London Careers Hub, Green Skills Hub and Integration Hubs
- Focussing on underrepresented groups*
- Community outreach
Embedding Training and Employment Pathways in social care
- Establishing clear pathways between employees, employment support and training providers, care providers
- Support to access employment support
Access to Education and Training
- Mapping social care education and training provision, skills and training needs, gap analysis
- Signposting training
- Development of new training opportunities to fill identified gaps
- Placements and apprenticeships
Supporting Providers in Workforce Development
- Working with providers to improve recruitment processes and practices,
- Support providers to develop a more flexible working offer
- Supporting care providers to upskill their workforce
Comprehensive, Coordinated Information
- SWL Social Care Workforce Portal
- SWL social care jobs portal
- Leaflets and materials
- Ambassadors and advocates
- Info on training and careers
Career Development and Progression
- First year in social care programme
- Career development information
- Promotion of career development opportunities
Skills for New Models of Care
- Facilitate training providers to provide relevant training
- Focus on digital skills
To keep up to date with what the Social Care Academy Hub is up to follow us on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram
For further Information on the SWL Social Care Academy hub and how to get involved please contact SWLSocialCareAcademyHub@southlondonpartnership.co.uk
Visit our new website for further information – www.swlsocialcarehub.org.uk