Practitioner Resources

Bid writing VCSE Contract Readiness Programme
The contract readiness programme for voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) in England by the School for Social Entrepreneurs and funded by Government helps to address some of the challenges charities face when accessing funding for delivering public services. It includes a series of modules to help charities think through how they prepare and bid for a tendering opportunity. Find out more. 
ESOL Subscribe to the GLA’s ESOL newsletter 
ESOL SPOCs, Networks, Maps and Directories
The Post-16 Phonics Approaches Toolkit is designed to support practitioners exploring the use of phonics approaches with post-16 learners. The toolkit introduces resources created specifically for adult learners, explains how to put post-16 phonics approaches into practice in different settings, and explores how to adjust pace and sequence. The final section of the toolkit considers how phonics approaches fit more broadly within a rich post-16 literacy curriculum. It directly addresses the diversity of learners’ needs, knowledge and prior experience. Find out more.
GLA ESOL Planning (Census) Map updated 
We have recently updated the ESOL Planning Map to include data from the last Census on children and young people (aged 3 to 15 in 2021) who were reported as speaking little or no English at the time of the last Census. In addition, users can access borough-level data on the top 13 community languages spoken by Londoners who reported speaking little or no English. We welcome feedback and suggestions on the resource. 
GLA AEB Provider Map updated 
In response to stakeholder feedback, we made improvements to the Skills Provider Map, including the addition of new filters and a translate button. We have recently undertaken user testing to find out more about the impact of these changes and identify further improvements that can be made. Development of the map is ongoing, and we will be reaching out again to stakeholders later in the year to hear your views. Find out more. 
GLA Asylum Welcome Toolkit 
We are excited to announce that the GLA’s Asylum Welcome Toolkit has been published. The toolkit collates guidance and resources for local authorities to support the development of proactive, holistic strategies to welcome and integrate people seeking asylum. It features chapters on themes, from safeguarding to designing new forms of co-production for creating council services alongside people seeking asylum. The toolkit draws on the findings from the Asylum Welcome Design Lab which brought together 11 London boroughs to share good practice on their asylum strategies, and to explore ways to address ongoing challenges. Each borough was then supported to design an innovative new initiative which improved local authority service delivery for people seeking asylum. Lessons from these pilots are explored throughout the toolkit. Find out more.  
Social Prescribing  For more information and support at a London level on social prescribing visit the Transformation Partners In Health and Care webpages, which include details of a range of programmes and projects designed to support social prescribing in London.   It includes an interactive map which aims to support the visibility of service models, key contacts for networking and examples of good practice across London.
The Social Prescribing Network (aimed at strengthening the role of the VCSE sector in delivering social prescribing activity) has free sign-up and provides access to a wealth of resources, including webinars, case studies, blogs and networking opportunities.
Simply Connect has created the London Social Prescribing portal which includes information and resources on how to get started in social prescribing, including case studies and toolkits.
Further information on the  work of the Mayor / GLA on social prescribing can be found here
The GLA / Learning and Work Institute research and toolkit on social prescribing to adult education can be found here:
Social prescribing into adult education in London research and toolkit – London Datastore
Adult Education Guidance for who is eligible for Adult Education Budget funding can be found here:
The Skills Roadmap for London sets the direction of travel for adult education and skills in London over the Mayoral term and beyond, including future plans for the approximately £330 million per year Adult Education Budget
AEB Rules 2023-24  
The GLA has published version one of the 23-24 AEB Rules for London. Changes since the last version are indicated in the table of changes. Guidance for AEB providers on eligibility for migrant Londoners has also been updated to clarify that ‘Other non-UK nationals’ only need to be on a long-term visa (12 months or more). They do not need to have 12 months remaining on their visa on the first day of learning to be eligible for AEB funding. They must, however, be able to attend the full duration of the course. Guidance for civil society organisations supporting migrants and organisations supporting people on the Hong Kong BN(O) visa is also available. Find out more.  
Newsletters City Hall Business Bulletin | London City Hall
Sign up to the Skills for Londoners newsletter | London City Hall
Mayor of London Communities newsletter | London City Hall
South London Careers Hub Newsletter
Green Skills Academy Newsletter
News and articles from Reed in Partnership
Recruiting Social Care Staff