South London Careers Hub

South London Careers Hub, delivered by the South London Partnership, is part of a national network of Careers Hubs across England.

The South London Careers Hub links local business representative and business leaders to schools and colleges in the sub-region, to help develop a talent pool of young people equipped with the skills they need to get into good jobs.

Through the Careers Hub:

  • Provides a coordinated, integrated and place-based approach to Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
  • Through our Enterprise Advisers, provides strategic support to schools and colleges to help them shape the future curriculum based on local growth and emerging sectors and help careers leaders to develop an innovative careers programme
  • Highlights the breadth of opportunities available in the job market, to enable young people to make the right choice about their next steps and to help people progress into good work
  • Provide CPD and training for careers leaders and Enterprise Advisers, with access to a wide range of resources
  • Codevelop exciting careers intervention and events, increasing the number of encounters young people have with employers

If you are a school or college in south London and would like to join the Careers Hub or if you are interested in developing our future talent pool and volunteering to become an Enterprise Adviser, please contact us:

If you would like to know more about the jobs and industries across south London, visit our Labour Market Information platform Start – Careers Information for London (

For information about up and coming events, to find out how the Careers Hub can help your school or college, search for work experience opportunities or to find out how to join our network of volunteer and help inspire the future workforce, please visit the South London Careers Hub website here

If you would like to take a look at all the exciting things we have been doing, you can find our newsletters here:

Newsletter Mar 2022

Newsletter April 2022

Newsletter June 2022

Newsletter July 2022

Newsletter September 2022

Newsletter October 2022

Newsletter November 2022

Newsletter December 2022

Newsletter February 2023

Newsletter March 2023