Between 28th Feb – 4th March, SLP will be hosting a Green Economy Week to launch our new sub-regional Green Jobs and Skill Report!
There is a focus nationally and locally on the opportunities that green skills and the green economy can bring. In order to ensure that South London is able to capitalise on these opportunities for our residents and our businesses, the South London Partnership commissioned a Green Jobs and Skills Report to define green jobs, identify the scale of growth of this sector and the specific skills and jobs that will be required in South London. This report will form the basis for planning co-ordinated work on green skills in South London as an area that crosses borough and sector boundaries and where collaborative working can deliver improved outcomes for residents and businesses.
The week will consist of three sessions focused on the key stakeholders that will shape our evolving Green Economy: Local Authorities, Educators and Businesses. WPI Economics will be presenting the key findings followed by guest speakers from innovative organisations and consultancies who have capitalised on this opportunity. Don’t miss out on the chance to join the discussion.
Local Authority Launch 1st March 11am. Please email for an invitation.
Educators Launch 2nd March 3.30pm. Register:
Business Launch 3rd March 9am Register: