Skills and Employment Alliance
The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is the strategic plan for London helping to shape skills provision as defined by the Skills and Post-16 Education Act (2022). The South London annex to the LSIP provides a strategic framework for sub regional and borough activity and helps inform funding and delivery.
The South London Skills and Employment Alliance brings together a cross-organisational partnership of business leaders, educational providers, local authorities, voluntary and community sector, employment support organistaions and other sector stakeholders to strengthen the skills and employment system in South London. The structure of the Alliance incorporates both strategic discussions with key stakeholders and employers as well as operational delivery of programmes.

The Alliance seeks to:
- Shape and influence the delivery of skills and employment programmes across south London.
- Enable effective engagement across sectors through commonality, collaboration, and collective action.
- Increase awareness, sharing and pooling of resources across organisations.
- Strengthen relationships between employers and providers.
- Ensure the provision of skills and training in South London is reflective of employer needs and benefits from industry expertise.
- Ensure provision of skills and training for current and future jobs demand that is accessible for all.
- Increase use of apprenticeships.
- Boost learner demand for key sectors through pathways and progression routes
- Champion inclusion and diversity in the workforce.
- Nurture entrepreneurialism and innovation in South London.
- Strengthen and embed strong governance to ensure accountability and impact.
The Skills & Employment Alliance will be accountable for:
- Leadership and strategic direction of the South London Local Skills Improvement Plan.
- Galvanising engagement across the sector using employer networks, and
- Provide constructive challenge, strategic guidance, and specialist advice.
Want to get involved?
If you would like to join the Alliance as a partner or to submit an expression of interest to be part of the Alliance Board please do get in touch with the South London Local Skills Improvement Plan Lead at

Alliance Composition
The Skills and Employment Alliance is made up of the Alliance Board and is supported by advisory and subgroups and existing provision in the skills and employment system. All stakeholders in South London will be invited to form part of the Skills & Employment Partnership. The Skills & Employment Alliance Board is comprised of up to 12 Members representing employers and stakeholders from across the skills and employment sector including representation from the five priority industry sectors.
The Alliance Board
- Co- chair – Borough Chief Executive: Sarah Ireland (Chief Executive of the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames)
- Co-Chair Employer/Employer representative body/Small Business: Craig Hurring (CEO Love Wimbledon)
- Construction and the built environment: TBC
- Education/Representative from Further Education: Peter Mayhew Smith/Suna Marfe (South Thames Colleges Group)
- Hospitality and retail: TBC
- Information Technology and Communications/Small Business: Chandeep Khosa (2 Toucans)
- Health and Social Care: TBC
- Representative(s)from Higher Education: Eleanor Merrick (Roehampton University)
- and Shazi Gilner (London South Bank University)
- Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise representative: Stephen Jeffery (CEO London Learning Consortium)
- Green skills and Employment Support/Housing: Victoria Whittle (Head of Jobs and Training, Clarion Futures part of Clarion Housing Group)
- South London Partnership representative: Matthew Hamilton (SLP Director)